Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buzzgob WIP#3 & painting it black...

Painting stuff black is kinda a hassle. Fortunately I stumbled up this little gem over at Giovannis Modeling Corner that gives you (and me) a few handy tips on painting black.

One other thing mentioned in the video is to always unload the brush. Something I sometimes forget to do, ensuring that the rather transparent layering I try to achieve instead turns into a slow drying opaque mess.

This week is deadline week so I wasn't hoping on getting anything done, but I managed to get some time today to paint the skin on Mek Buzzgob.

Buzzgob and Simon(?) from Malifaux primed and ready.

Now, I really like Forgeworld. But the amount of weird stuff on Buzzgob is staggering once you start painting it and asking yourself "Why is this bump / hole / thing here?". There's just way too many things and resin-casting-artefacts that you just can't see or for that matter reach. Which results in it being a pretty frustrating figure to paint.

Apart from that I think it's going pretty good. Still debating in my head on how to make all the metal parts come alive. A ton of weathering and/or rust I guess. And washes galore to make it look like different kinds of metal. Some of it has to be in another color too I think. It's just too much "metal". \m/ >_<

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